There are a few pieces of equipment that I would advocate in a strength training schedule, and lat pulldown is one of them. Lat pulldown mimics the movement of pull-ups. And most beginners lack the strength to do pull-ups with proper form. So for them, lat pulldown becomes the best option to strengthen the back […]
How To Increase Your Forearm And Grip Strength
Before we talk about increasing your forearm and grip strength, I want to share a true story about my friend… not me. Let’s call him Varun. So, once Varun’s mum asked him to open a jam jar. He, being a health freak, gave her a long lecture on the unhealthiness of jam and all the […]
How To Do Barbell Bent Over Rows: The Ultimate Guide (Video Demonstration)
“Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.” – Mark Rippetoe No one wants to appear weak or sissy. A strong back is a symbol of strength and a sign of dominance. A strong back plays a key role in maintaining an upright posture – a sign of confidence. […]
How To Do A Turkish Get Up (Kettlebell): Step-by-step Guide With Video Demonstration
When it comes to strength and fitness, it is not just lifting weights or the ability to run long distances. To develop overall strength, you have to learn to use the body in a controlled and coordinated manner under a load. Turkish get up is a complex movement with multiple steps woven into one motion. […]
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 5 Reasons Why Standing Is Better Than Seated
If you are thirsty, will you wonder, “should I be drinking water?” In the same way On a shoulder day, will you ask yourself, “should I be doing shoulder press?” A shoulder workout without a shoulder press exercise is like a gym without weights – empty and pointless. Yes, we can debate whether you should […]
Learn How To Do Shoulder Shrugs Perfectly In Just 7 Steps
Learning the proper technique for shoulder shrugs is hands-down the best way to build a killer trapezius muscle. Do you want big traps that look aesthetically pleasing too? If so, then you should know the proper way to do shoulder shrugs. Also, you should know what mistakes to avoid that can lower the effectiveness of […]